Saturday, November 28, 2009
Guys are assholes. if you argue with him you're hard headed. if you're quiet you don't care.if you call him you're too clingy crazy. if he calls you he says you should be happy.
If you don't love him, he'll try to win you. when you do love him, he leaves. if you don't you're a tease. if you do you're easyy. you tell him your problems, he says you're irritating.
if you don't he says you don't trust him. if you lecture him, you just want to argue. if he lectures you it's because he cares. if you break a promise he doesn't trust you anymore if he breaks it it's because he had to.
If you cheat, he expects it to be over, if he cheats he wants another chance. guys drink to forget about girls, girls drink to think back about the guy. when guys are in love, they became poor. when girls in love they become pretty. guys can forget but can't forgive, girls can forgive but can't forget.
When guys are heartbroken they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl when girls are heartbroken they try to find his characteristics in another guy. guys wish to be her first love girls wish to be his last.
Does anyy of these true...?i don't know...hmm...haha well got it from facebook quote...not from myy own..ofcourse..myy speaking isnt that fluent let alone writing lolss...=)toodles myy sis using the laptop haiss...=(update again aitess.cherio!
Labels: topic yea..?
@ 7:09 AM
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