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Saturday, November 28, 2009

Guys are assholes. if you argue with him you're hard headed. if you're quiet you don't care.if you call him you're too clingy crazy. if he calls you he says you should be happy.
If you don't love him, he'll try to win you. when you do love him, he leaves. if you don't you're a tease. if you do you're easyy. you tell him your problems, he says you're irritating.
if you don't he says you don't trust him. if you lecture him, you just want to argue. if he lectures you it's because he cares. if you break a promise he doesn't trust you anymore if he breaks it it's because he had to.
If you cheat, he expects it to be over, if he cheats he wants another chance. guys drink to forget about girls, girls drink to think back about the guy. when guys are in love, they became poor. when girls in love they become pretty. guys can forget but can't forgive, girls can forgive but can't forget.
When guys are heartbroken they try to forget about the girl by going out with another girl when girls are heartbroken they try to find his characteristics in another guy. guys wish to be her first love girls wish to be his last.
Does anyy of these true...?i don't know...hmm...haha well got it from facebook quote...not from myy own..ofcourse..myy speaking isnt that fluent let alone writing lolss...=)toodles myy sis using the laptop haiss...=(update again aitess.cherio!


Blogged @ 7:09 AM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Today i hurt myy mama again...i never meant to...she's hurt anywayy now in her room lock herself in there. i just wish i never said anything...i don't know whyy i said hurtful things.dad's goin awayy...everything happen all of sudden...i wish it will all slows down, i don't hate myself but i hate what i become..these dayyss...i've alwaes have troubles one after another so said it's part of growing up...but to me i just hope i could be different. i've alwaes trying so hard..tryin to impressed. But i guess myy words are harsh..=(i don't know but everything happens so fast...

Everything is a messed...i'm tired of trying...myy tests are coming up and if i don't do well i don't have the chance to retake. i have role play's with accounting which is driving me nutss..formulae to remember..script to remember letters format to remember oh yea not forgeting notes to memorise...and and at the same time i had to do myy daily housechores...everydayy after school if house not clean mum will come after me...i just need to relax as i just came back from school but instead i end up saying something hurtful might not be hurtful to me but her..major..i didnt meant it that wayy...i've said thingss...wat lead me to tears was she said this year i've alwaes hurt her in every wayy..if having me as her daughter is making her life difficult then whyy did she let me live in the first place...i should die...and not exist...maybe if i'm not around things would be better or worst..?i'm sayiing wat's on myy mind keeping it will be much hurtful...myy heart is pain...now..i didn't noe where else to go...sometimes yew just feel like goin to some place quiet where yew can be alone...sit down look at the blue skyy...sit and think...

Don't happyy families have problems too...?it doesn't have to be broken families..get the fact...
seriouslyy it is much easier before telling myy mum and dad problems wen i was young...now it seems like small little things yew said you're done...!friendss..?nahh they'll come to yew wen either theyy have problems....or want something from you...haiss...

hmm...i don't wanna thinkk about it...im listening to fireflies byy owl city almost lead me to tearss...the song is soo sweet...love the lyricss...family portrait...byy pink is a sad songg...=(okae i gotta go...no mood=(


Blogged @ 4:10 AM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Today i went to plazs singapura with my sis and mum to spotlight. well veri boring so i had my permission to walk around to some other place...saw this clothes from esprit...erhhh so nice!!!
and saw black belt at tiong bahru plaza...can i have it pleassee...ohhh i can controll myy addiction fer shopping but i knew i had to ...cosmetics from star dust!earings,necklace bracelets from miss whatever...OMGG!!!i love whoever bought me that...hahahha...=)

But...i did bought this liquid eyeliner i wanted....hahh!!okae lurhh i lazyy to write more..toodles.

Blogged @ 4:19 AM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Honeyy buyy me this and i'm gonna love yew so muchhh...!!!lolss..kidding2..it's ppinkk..slim just like me heh...perasan!hah..i wanttt this camera soo muchhh...acturlie asal kan pink and slim and and if can waterproof lerhh ehh pasal me veri the careless tau2 termasukk mane jekk..hahah..okae2 enough just wanna show yew guyys wats the camera i'm sooo in lovee...honeyy don't jealouss miss pink is just myy another lover hahahhh...i meant this camera lerhh ehh...hmm...goin to meet himm fer the next two dayyss...but but..will meet...we planned everything but god decide..so let's sae anythingg happen...don't get upset k..?just hope everything will go as i planned..hmm..=(..okae toodless...update yew yayahh in the nextt two dayyss...oh yea gonna werk hard fer this camera if i ever werkk..goshhh!!!tempting..


Blogged @ 4:35 AM
Don't let me go -

Friday, November 13, 2009

HEYY heyy how myy best girlfriendss...haha...!i'm bored larhh i don't planned to blog todae bt gosh myy dayy was boring..IAC test damn it...bt nvm atleast i did myy best rather then just giving up seriouslyy 1 hour fer that paper isn't enough...=(
hmm...i just blogged todae to fill up myy time i should be sleeping ryte now wen the weather was like ooohh sooo good to sleepp...like a babyy...hah!!sygg..i'm bored..make myy dayy plz...=)))hehh...okae lerhh there's nothing muchh to saee..coz i'm dammnn freaking lazyy..
i studyy alot todayy..myy roleplayy is done..everything is done good thing i didn't procrastinate it's making me stress...hell!procrastinating is making mee crazeyy...btw..next week myy timetable goin to be hectic...woahh...=(trainings, studying,CCAs,...etc...im gonna miss yew=(
okae lerhh toodless=))no love quote todae penat...!


Blogged @ 7:46 AM
Don't let me go -

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

//hello wello\\

im backkk...erhh...so tired...=( i wanna sleep but couldn't get some...i cant concentrate studying in class..during myy accounting...haiss..nadiah nadiah wat happened to yew...!simply frustrated.i don't knoww..myy goshh...myy ex ex ex clazmate from pri sch wat a long tymee planning to meet up somewhere this yearr...for reall..or what..??but if it is then oukae ..well i wanna go but it's at nite 8pm at simpang bedok wth...mumm...can i go out at nite...or am i just another stereotype gerls sit at home and be innocent...i don't knoww...hahaha...

well it doesn't matter anywayy...huhu..myy sales are doing fine..so happyy!!thanx to god...=))myy mum who gave me a trulyy full support wen i realllie nid oone...i stilll remembered half wayy i felt like as if the world has ended...bt nope i stood up again...hheeh..!okae me tired larhh i wanna sleep...IAC exams in 2 dayss bloody helll...hahahah...it's been long since i used this..bloody hell sounds harsh huh..?haha...gotta go!TOODLES...=))


Blogged @ 6:51 AM
Don't let me go -

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Thiss is chocolate with teddy bear lolipops..stated lolipop..thanx..darl=)

This is as not a real pic to be uploaded...as yew can see it's blur...

gold wrap:EVERLASTING LOVE,Plain choc

silver wrap:ENDLESSLY LOVE, strawberry n chocolate

white chocolate: SWEET HEART
Lolipop dark choc,:Midnight skye
$1.20 EACH!get all 1 NOW..
Interested PM me
Love Nadiah=)wink
Buy 5 yew can get a freegift bag=)


Blogged @ 5:54 AM
Don't let me go -

hello...todayy i lazyy to put pic larhhss..made chocolates...hehex...cant wait to sell..den get moneyy...yeahhh...alah i don't care about the moneyy bt the skills i've learnt...so proud to be doing it myselff...so fun!tink i'm in love with the chocolate...lolxx...hmm...honeyy if yew are reading thiss..just to let yew know...i'm giving yew the chocolate i've made..=))wen eating...silence...tink and comment...easyy 3 stepss..and and must eat infront of me horrhh...hahahax..
sorie guyys...made the chocolates but no time to upload the photos yet...as it's in another camera..will upload soon aitess...hmm...thinking of the name of chocolatess..like so complicated...grr...and todayy woke up myy mum ask me to find a nice...fancyy quote fer weddings...like"honeyy....u'll alwayss be myy onlie one..."//everlasting love"..alah fer newly weds..on their wedding dayy..haiss..aku jugak kene...eh eh...yayahhh ku tkde idea dehh...=(
oh yeahh...uu the cheesecake fer real..ehh...after myy CA1..hehex...cant wait!=))
//Love quote:Find that guyy that will pick up every piece of yewr shattered heart & put it back together replacing it with a piece of his//


Blogged @ 5:00 AM
Don't let me go -

Thursday, November 5, 2009

See this chocolate here..aww!!!the best chocolate i ever tasted..it's a double chocolate..

with m&m toppingss..well it's a biscuit acturlie butt if yew tried it onces

goshh yew will just be asking fer more

like addiction, obsession,...lolxx..chocoholicc..??


Ermm by the wayy just now went to orchard with mum..went to ION...up to ION artss and saw this gift box..so nice.. i love it!oh yea and sephora (make up) wanted

to go there butt no moneyy at this time...so i rather go when i have

moneyy...atleast it's less tempting ryte..?haha..


Blogged @ 2:40 AM
Don't let me go -

BOO!=P...CUTE!given byy him..aww..meow..thanx=)
19 August 2009
Our ferst meet..teehee..
miz yew!
he meets her


Blogged @ 2:27 AM
Don't let me go -

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

hehe...todayy school of biz dayy..went home earlyy at 11am...i lazyy to go larhh i'm not the participantss alsoo..haizz..hah!myy CA1 next fridayy seii...not prepared...lagi this fridayy ade extra class...dari tk schh ade schh..tkpe larhhh atleast tk boringgg..kan2..after that got cca ...heh

Eh i like erhh lagu here we go again byy demi lavato..mcm sedapp..hehe..addicted..oh yea btw...at last i made myy decision to sell chocolates when i don't know yet i still have to get the box..decorate it and all stuffs make it attractive for customers to buyy...heh yg choc mahal tu jual kat teacher sudahh...teacher loaded pe...HAHAHAHA...nahh i'm not soo bad..nak bankrupt kan teacherr...rotfl..hah finallyy i get this abbreviation rightt..!!roll on the floor laughing use to be roflt..and himm yew noe who yew are...ketawe kan org je eh ehh...lestic aru tau hah!dahh bace jgn nak tersenyumm kambing...=P..haha..okae lurhhh saye pun da penat awak...da lame tk bual2 budak baikk...lolss...i use tiz wen in pri schh was like ahakzz...!baik nie aku..teringat satu mamat indon dulu salah numberr he spelt "aku like aq" i was like whatttttt..?????

nari tkya love quote gue malas heh!toodless...


Blogged @ 5:20 AM
Don't let me go -

Monday, November 2, 2009

HEYY...todayy went school earlyy glad didn't overslept lolss..i alwaes thought that myy subjects is juz plain bored..haizz..but this semester it was quite okae..hehe..

hmm...myy planned didn't werk out todayy sad=(haha..planned to meet myy sunshine todayy but ferst myy bag is heavyy then the place is far...and and wat time will reachh home. i don't wanna repeat myy stupid mistake again...so text myy mummyy

Me:" Mummy i'm goin home late todayy..=)

Mum:" where to..?

Me: "errr...silent..(something went through myy mind...i wouldn't wanna hurt her again rytee..?

Mum:"wanna tag along to tamp mall...?with dad...

Me:" The ferst thing that went through myy mind was...heyy...dad drive us...!!!yippeee..y nt..
but deep inside i still wanna meet myy sunshinee...=(

and sooo...he called me he said it's alright we can meet some other time thanxx..sunshine yew understand me...thank god! i've hurt so manyy ppl in myy life and i wouldn't wanna hurt myy love one .ever againn...!goshh...IMYSM...onlyy god knowss...okaess stop emoing...hehe
he's goin call me...todayy will be waitingg...=)sorie..fer beingg so difficult to yeww...

Love quote:"he taught me how to love but not how to stop"


Blogged @ 4:46 AM
Don't let me go -

Me and suhailahh=))
Ahaha BULAT!!!=P

Look at it awww...black and white..hehe=))

Blogged @ 3:24 AM
Don't let me go -

Sunday, November 1, 2009

LIKE US..two little kitties..!!! Love quote for the dayy: "Be glad of LIFE because it gives yew the chance to LOVE and to werk and to play and to look up at the stars.!"


Blogged @ 2:00 AM
Don't let me go -

hehe...at Airport with myy galfrenzz..From the left...Elfi, Alice and me...=))we have nothing to do so..go airport..and chill with the ohhh sooo cooling aircon...ppl's must be wondering us with sch uniform chilled at airport of all places. it's kinda cool acturlie...handsome pilot and pretty hawt stewardess..guyys would describe them as))ryte2?Dear yayahhh...aku rinduu kauu...!and honeyyy...IMYSM..=(

Blogged @ 1:55 AM
Don't let me go -

>June 28th 2009, was myy birthdayy..she gave me a teddyy bear with pink clothes...lols..
so cute! Anywayy this picture was takenn byy webcamm...erhhh i miz myy straight hair like alwaess...goshhh...okaess...since yew guyyss wonder myy blog no photo rytte now got...lorhhh..hahahaha....=P


Blogged @ 1:41 AM
Don't let me go -


Blogged @ 1:14 AM
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